
Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Hyper-V vs Oracle VM VirtualBox | TrustRadius
    Hyper-V and Oracle VM VirtualBox are both server virtualization products designed to run virtual machines. Hyper-V runs the virtualization directly on the hardware. In contrast, Oracle VM VirtualBox runs on the host operating system.

  2. Debian vs Ubuntu in 2021- The Ultimate Showdown | hecticgeek
    People sometime see Debian and Ubuntu are similar in many ways, but in fact they have their differences. While Ubuntu is easy to use for beginners, it is not as stable as Debian in its built.

  3. 35 Linux Basic Commands Every User Should Know (Cheat Sheet) | hostinger.com
    As the name implies, this article provides cheat sheet for common linux commands. As a beginner, it really helps me on operating Linux.

  4. 5 Reasons Behind Linux’s Unpopularity on Desktop | by Ehsan Nazim | The Blog of Ehsan Nazim | Medium
    This is an article on Medium by Ehsan Nazim. The writer tells about the history of the linux itself and why linux is not so popular on Desktop. One of the main reason is some of the popular games is not available on Linux.

  5. Current x86 vs. Apple M1 Performance Measurements Are Flawed | ExtremeTech
    This site is interesting because it discuss about the recent M1 chip on the Apple Macbook lineup. People are arguing that the new Apple silicon processor is a huge performance gain compare to the last year intel chips. This article discuss it in another perspective about the measurement of the M1 arm chip performance compare to x86 processor.

  6. Best Linux distros of 2021 for beginners, mainstream and advanced users | TechRadar
    This site provides many new linux’s distros that I never hear before. It can be a reference for someone who want to try uncommon distro, such as debian and ubuntu.

  7. Ultimate Regex Cheat Sheet | KeyCDN Support
    It’s a simple and straightforward website that provides regular expression cheat sheet.

  8. 15 Things Everyone Should Know About Quantum Computing | Bernardmarr
    This site discuss about the capability of quantum computer and the differences between classical / normal computer.

  9. Popular Vim Commands - Comprehensive Vim Cheat Sheet | KeyCDN
    This page helps beginner like me to learn the modes, commands, and operations to use the vim editor. If you ever got trap inside vim and don’t know how to close the editor, this page will provides you basic idea of how to use the vim editor.

  10. Don’t build a Hackintosh - Linus Tech Tips
    This is a youtube video from one of my favorite youtuber, Linus. You can check their channel Linus Tech Tips - YouTube. In this video they try to build the ultimate hackintosh machine. Although the title may seems serious, the video itself is really fun.